Creative Corner

Our kids felt like sharing their thoughts with the world and we obliged.


Autobiography of a Computer

By Janaay – Grade 7Hi! I am a computer.  My name is Mac- Book. I am made by a renowned company named Apple. I am made in America where there is a humongous factory of apple. Technology has also produced heaps and bounds. 

Most of the affluent people, business men and some other middle class people use Apple as I am very exorbitantly priced. The people born with chicken feed cannot afford me. I was brought to India and kept in a very prodigious showroom where copious people came and saw me.
One fine day a very cute appealing little boy came and told his beloved father to by me for himself. Since the little boy was the apple of his father’s eyes. His father bought me for him. The owner of the showroom gave a nice downy cushioned case for me. Though the boy was very small. His father used me as I had very nice features and was also very beguiling. My master was very good and always took care of myself. My master saw movies, read books and saw websites of knowledge. Then my master took another apple Mac Book which was a   model ahead of me. So now his son who used me. He did his school projects and collected lots of information from me but as time passed the child started disliking me. I also was very old and the new version of me launched I am lying in the storeroom with 5% of battery left in me but have hopes that I would get a new master whom I can enlighten also work on me relentlessly and assiduously as an ant.