Creative Corner

Our kids felt like sharing their thoughts with the world and we obliged.


Pictures Composition

By Granth – Grade 1
1] It   is  a   glorious  sunny  bright  day.
2] The  splendid  park  is  enormous.
3] The  children  are  as  happy  as  larks  in  the park.
4] Some  gorgeous  girls  are  playing  with  the  skipping  rope.
5] Several  dashing  boys  were  enjoying  on  the  slide.
6] The  chubby  children  on  the  swing  had  an  amazing  smile  on  their  face.
7] The  butterflies  which  were  as colourful  as  a  rainbow  were  flying  high  in  the  park.
8] There is  a  cat  which  was  as  white as  snow  has  fur  which  is  as  fluffy  as cotton.